Sunday, June 28, 2009

How can medical insurance make me rich?

Do you have a medical insurance? Oh! you are covered by your company. Is that adequate? And does that cover your parents, for instance? What will happen if they are hospitalized? The money that you wanted to invest will go to the hospital, won't it?

Wouldn't it make sense if you cover such contingencies with a good medical insurance? I learned this very recently and fortunately, not the hard way.

I was hospitalized for an appendectomy that cost me (or could have cost me) Rs. 80,000. (Rs. 80,000 for an appendectomy? Well what can you do?) And, I took out a medical insurance three months before that. Just 3 months ago. At Rs 5000+ premium, this is perhaps the best investment I ever made :-)

The premium for such medical insurance goes up with age. Someone who is 20-25 will have to pay less than half my premium. And in 4 years time, the insurance starts covering pre-existing diseases too.

You work day and night. Then you get to earn money. This you would like to save / invest / spend on yourself and your family. I do not see the logic in spending huge sums on money on health when small amount of premium will do.

You will meet people who will tell you that insurance is a worst kind of investment, poorest ROI. They don't know what they are talking about. Insurance is not an investment. It frees you to invest as you desire.

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