Thursday, July 2, 2009

Before you take a home loan

In my post yesterday, I talked about reducing your debt. This post is focused totally on reducing your debt created by your home loan. Having a roof over your head is a middle-class dream (actually everybody's dream - who wants to shuttle from one house to another every 11 months).

Here are a few aspects that you need to consider before you take a home loan:

1) Do not take loan from the first bank you approaches you. Talk to as many banks as you wish to. And let the banks know that you are talking to many banks.

2) It is not necessary to take loan from the same bank as your friend did.

3) Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. Every aspect is negotiable.

4) If you tell one bank that the other bank is giving you the loan at a lower Equated Monthly Installments (EMI), the first bank will reduce its EMI to match. (Hint: Ask the first bank to better the offer; not just match.)

5) Floating interest rates are always better than the fixed loans. Remember that the fixed loan is not really fixed for life. If there is a huge upward difference between what was offered and what it is now, banks are within their right to hike your interest rate upwards. They will never reduce it downwards though.

6) Don't bother about interest rate. Instead find out what will be your EMI. There are many EMI calculators available online. Check out your EMI from that calculator and compare with what the banker has to say.

7) Always go for loans where you can make advance payments - in part or in full - without penalty. If all the banks offer pre-closure of loans with penalty, find out the penalty amount. Get this in writing.

8) Your insurance company, such as LIC of India, may also offer loans that also covers your death or disability. This is a good option, if you are already not covered adequately. There is a huge advantage in this. In case of your untimely death - God/Nature forbid - your dependents will no longer have to repay the loan.

9) Most of the time, you will be talking to an agent of the bank. The agent will promise you the earth. The bank may not follow it up. Maintain a note book and note down what each agent has promised you. When the bank gives you the loan letter check if all that was promised is included in the letter.

10) Do not burden yourself with the maximum offered home loan. Take on as less as possible. See Reduce your debt

Do you have some tips that I missed out?
Please leave a comment.

I will cover the "after" part of the home loan in my next post. Till then take care of your investments and your family.

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